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Whats H-app-ening at Hy-Vee

Whats H-app-ening at Hy-Vee

Whats H-app-ening at Hy-Vee


By: Nick Handley

If you listen to my show in the afternoon you hear me talk about Hy-Vee and the ways to save money on your groceries, and at the pump. You’ve also noticed a lot of emphasis on the Hy-Vee app. I know what you’re thinking: I have way too many apps. How many of those apps literally save you money each week on essential grocery items? My guess is very few, if at all. This is an app I’ve become addicted to. My wife and I would typically do our grocery shopping on Sundays. We like to plan our meals for the week, so we account for every meal. Having a 17-month-old we also have to get various items for him as well. All-in-all, we spend around $85 to $120 for a week’s worth of groceries.

What I realized with the Hy-Vee app is that a lot of what we buy goes on sale at some point during the week. Hy-Vee has weekly deals such as, Make my Mondays, Terrific Tuesdays, WOW Wednesdays, and BOGO Thursdays. The app will tell you about these deals for each day and the products that are on sale but that’s not all. You can also locate Hy-Vee’s Hot Deals, and In-Store Exclusive deals in the app. Essentially you can find at least three sets of deals each day through the app.

I decided to change up our shopping routine and really take advantage of the weekly deals. We have done this now for the entire month of March, buying the same items that we would typically buy on our Sunday shopping trip, but now we go on Monday or Tuesday. Applying the various weekly deals we are now spending between $68 to $95. I’ve noticed a savings on average of $18 a week. That’s doesn’t include the fuel saver points we also stack up, which you can also track on the Hy-Vee app. I don’t know about you but we’re looking to cut costs anywhere we can especially with high gas prices. Try the Hy-Vee app and utilize the weekly deals. You will be surprised how much you and your family can save.

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